6 Jul 2016


Good Morning, 

Just had to share that Rico, is now a happy, well-adjusted, enthusiastic little dog again - totally back to his rascally self. 

As I've mentioned before, he's had a hard time adjusting to apartment living, when he was used to a house. I could not leave him alone because he would bark the whole time I was out. 

Well, after three weeks of spending every moment with him, calming him down and helping him adjust to people walking down the halls, out on their balconies, walking in the grass in front of the balcony, he has decided it's 'cool' to live here. LOL. 

Here's how it happened. 

At almost three weeks to the day, we came in after our morning walk and bam, he headed for a stuffed toy and wanted to play. First time ever in this apartment. I played with him for as long as he wanted, thrilled at the joy he was obviously feeling. Next, he napped, then an hour later he trotted over to me, jumped up on the couch beside me and pawed at my computer. This used to be his routine and it meant 'let's train together' - which really meant 'I want treats'. LOL. So we trained - Rico is getting ready for a competition. So this has now continued on for about a week and his acceptance and joy in our new home, touches my heart and yes, I admit it, brings tears to my eyes.

And ever since then, he has been fine. 

I can now leave him for over an hour (I haven't left him alone longer than that, yet) and there is not a peep out of him. I videotape him, so I know for sure. He no longer reacts to people in the hall or on their balconies. He's playing and settled and my heart is bursting with pride. 

If I ever had to give advice to someone, with a dog, moving into an apartment from a house, I'd say, "Hang with your dog, for however long it takes and follow his/her lead." I found I was trying too hard - bought him a thundercoat, a diffuser that plugs into the wall to emit soothing aromas, a calm collar, made sure the air conditioner was on so it never got too hot (he has a heart murmur and heat really affects him) etc etc. I hated seeing him with his tail down and looking so unhappy. But all we really needed was the magic of 'time' and my being with him constantly to reassure and give him the support he needed to figure things out.

In fact, by letting him lead me and show me when he was 'ready', he made huge strides in leaps and bounds - all at his own pace.

So I have my happy dog back, a new book out and I'm halfway done another new one. But most of all - peace has settled in my dog's life. 


Here is one of my favorite pictures of Rico. I was writing away and all of a sudden I looked up and there he was, peering at me over my computer screen, scaring me. LOL. Guess he sure wanted some attention. 

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