25 Dec 2020


 Merry Christmas, everyone!

Just wanted to wish you joy, peace, and happiness during times of great challenges. My heart also goes out to everyone who is coping with sadness, hunger, lost jobs and despair. You are in my thoughts and prayers. 

A few covid reflections:

I listened to a friend cry, when she finally received her second negative covid test, after isolating from her family for five weeks. She was finally freed from quarantine. I saw eyes of fear and stories of sadness, as people struggled to cope with a worldwide pandemic. I also saw kindness - like I had never seen before - with people helping others navigate through the stress of coping with a deadly virus. I grew closer to my family, friends, as well as made a very special friend with my 97 year old neighbor, who I adore. 

I have been amazed at people's resilience and ability to be positive and upbeat during a crisis. I have been happy and afraid and never again will I take for granted coffee times with friends, family gatherings, knowing I had to live without this for almost a year. 

I hope that the joy of the birth of Christ arises in all our hearts today, as we celebrate Christmas Day. 

May your day be one of peace. And here is my little reindeer dreaming of presents under the tree. 

Merry Christmas. 

Thanks for listening. 



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