22 Jul 2020



Although my heart breaks for all those who lost their lives due to covid-19, I wanted to share a special blessing I've experienced during all this isolation and lockdowns. 

My special blessing is my 97 year old neighbor. Yes - 97 - wow! She's in good health, lives alone, does her own laundry and is very independent. She has a loving family who watch out for her, are in constant touch, deliver her groceries and anything else she needs. So she is definitely well-loved. 

I hold the honor of living across the hall from her and every week we chat on the phone - sometimes for hours. And I love it. She is wise, totally on the ball, and we share a love of reading and doing puzzles. I find her fascinating and we have plenty of discussions about all sorts of things. I especially love her laughter and how she loves to joke around. 

You don't often meet someone who is 97 and well enough to live on her own. It is an honor to pick her brain, learn her wisdom that she has discovered over the years, and admire her acceptance of life - the good and the not so good. 

One thing for sure about living through a pandemic, is that it's a time to really stop and count one's blessing. 

Today I give thanks for my neighbor. Truly a special blessing. 

Thanks for listening. 

P.S. This is a favorite photo of Rico trying to get my attention while I write. :)

1 comment:

  1. I'll bet your neighbor has some wonderful stories about when she was young. Older people are fascinating! Love the picture of Rico. : )
